
We invite you to share your work in the area, identify the challenges you have faced and the resources you feel are needed to strengthen digital health and data analytics. Deliberations will include digital health implementation and evaluation of its impact on the micro (individual level), meso (organizational level), and macro (health system level) outcomes.

What challenges have you faced?

What resources and partners are needed?

What tools and resources can you contribute?

Over the three days, we will review our current strengths at McGill and our affiliated hospitals, identify additional resources needed to conduct digital health research more efficiently, improve outcomes that matter most to patients, and control rapidly escalating costs. The discussions will inform the mission and goals of the Institute, and deliberations will be synthesized in a forthcoming white paper outlining our collective insights on the best path forward.

All the best,

Sara Ahmed & Robyn Tamblyn,
on behalf of the Digital Innovation Planning Committee  (Drs David Buckeridge, Louise Pilote, Jake Barralet, and Susan Bartlett)


Register for the Symposium | Contact Ms. Brenda Lee to register | Email: brenda.lee3@mcgill.ca


Person-Centred Health Informatics