Welcome to the
Person-Centred Health Informatics Research Lab
The goal of the Person-Centred Health Informatics Research Lab is to improve health outcomes among individuals at risk of developing or with chronic diseases. This will be achieved through improving the tools and methods used to evaluate and monitor changes in health; the implementation of chronic disease management interventions and programs that will maximize the derived benefits of health services; and knowledge exchange and transfer through creating and implementing evaluation processes that will provide ongoing feedback to the healthcare team and stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of chronic disease management and prevention programs.
PCHI Research
Our research is embedded in a learning health care community (LHCC) model.
Patients/caregivers bring the perspective as experts from their unique experience and knowledge gained through living with/caring for a condition or illness, as well as their experiences with treatments and the health care system.
Patient and caregiver engagement is the foundation of a learning health system. The PCHI lab’s mission is to answer questions that matter to patients and caregivers.