
Interested in getting involved with the lab? See the information below to learn more about how to contribute to our research.

Graduate Students

We will consider applications for graduate students to start in the Fall 2023 semester.

To apply, be sure to take a look at the departmental admissions page. You should also check out the labs + work of other faculty members in the department; there are often opportunities for co-advising and/or collaboration. Note that our lab is located in the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy.

If you’re interested in joining our lab as a grad student, it may also be helpful to get in touch with our lab before applying. (But, this is certainly not required — we will carefully consider any application!)

Postdoctoral Fellows

We do not currently have any active searches for postdoctoral fellows. However, we are always interested in working with talented researchers: If you have a project that you feel would be a good fit with our lab’s interests, please don’t hesitate to e-mail our lab and get in touch!

Person-Centred Health Informatics