Rehab Alhasani, PhD
Rehab Alhasani completed her bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy from King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) in 2008 and her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences from University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) in 2015. In her Master’s project, she studied the effect of a novel dual-task training program on balance, mobility and cognition abilities among older adults. Rehab completed her PhD in May of 2021 under the supervision of Dr. Sara Ahmed. While a member of the PCHI Lab Rehab’s research was focused on the development of Ontology Based Classification for mobility among individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI). The goal of an ontology is to achieve a common and shared knowledge about mobility that can be transmitted between clinicians, patients and researchers and between application systems.
More About Rehab
Rehab’s main objective is to enhance and solidify her research, teaching, communication skills and work with other leaders in educational research. She is interested in many areas in rehabilitation research including: Acquired Brain Injury, measurement properties, Rasch Analysis, developing an ontology-based classification for mobility, intelligent interventions using Artificial Intelligence, health informatics, health outcome assessment, health services research, health technology assessment, knowledge translation and research methodology.
Did you know ?
Rehab is an avid reader. When not reading academic articles, you can find Rehab reading fiction and non-fiction books.
Rehab is an artist. Drawing is one of her passions.
Rehab rides horses.