Mohammed AlKhaldi
Mohammed AlKhaldiPost-Doctoral Fellow

Mohammed AlKhaldi, MPH, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellow

Mohammed AlKhaldi PhD, is a health consultant and scientific collaborator affiliated with the Council on Health Research for Development in Geneva, Switzerland, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, the University of Basel in Switzerland, and Najah National University in Palestine, where he is part of the faculty of medicine and health sciences.

AlKhaldi trained in global public health policy. Over the last fourteen years, he engaged in three different sectors, government, academia, and local and international NGOs. He obtained a PhD from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Switzerland, where he pursued a critical system analysis of the national health research system. He has worked with many international institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), Health Systems Global (HSG), McGill University, and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute as a health consultant, scientific collaborator, and Post-Doctoral Fellow.

More About Mohammed

The focus of Mohammed’s research work basically addresses different building blocks of the health systems and integrating and embedding digital health technologies at the technical level improving healthcare delivery, and at the policy level to assist policymakers to make sound decisions.

Projects Mohammed is Involved In

Did you know ?

Mohammed enjoys travelling and visiting new places and cultures.

Mohammed likes reading and listening to music.

Mohammed enjoys playing a number of sports. He also enjoys being a spectator!

Featured Publication

Research Fairness Initiative opens a new era for equitable and impactful research collaborations.

Awards & Accomplishments

  • 2020:   Emerging Voices for Global Health program, Health Systems Global (HSG), (full grant awarded)

  • 2020:   2nd call of Palestine-Quebec Science Bridge research grant, Research visit at McGill University on HTA.

  • 2020:  Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Post-Doctoral Research Grant, a 1-year project on HTA.

  • 2019:  TEPHINET gratitude and recognition for reviewing abstracts of TEPHINET’s 10th Global Conference 2019, USA.

Research Profiles

Mohammed has published in both peer-reviewed and popular outlets

Person-Centred Health Informatics