Lee Hill, PhD
Lee Hill, PhDPost-doctoral researcher

Lee Hill, PhD

Lee is a post-doctoral fellow at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, and the MUHC. Lee holds a part-time research position at McMaster University in the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology.

Lee obtained a Bachelor of Science specialising in Human Bioscience from the University of Cape Town (UCT), in South Africa. Following on their passion for exercise science and sport medicine, Lee subsequently obtained an honours degree in Exercise Science before starting their PhD at UCT in same field. In parallel, Lee served as the head coach of the University of Cape Town swimming team and working as a sport science consultant for athletes across a wide range of capabilities.

Lee has positioned themselves as a mixed-methods researcher with a diverse research portfolio including serving as a committee member in the Office of Museum, History and Archives for the American College of Sport Medicine as well as being the incumbent chair of the Sociology of Sport Research Cluster of the Canadian Sociological Association. Lee’s current research interest includes the role of exercise and physical activity patients with chronic conditions.

Whilst not working on research projects, outside of the Lee enjoys spending time with their family, walking Lilly the dog, and swimming.

More About Lee

Lee is currently working on the BRILLIANT Digital Health platform.

Lee’s responsibilities include:

  • the implementation and data collection of the BRILLIANT Cohort.
  • Coordinating the Phase I co-creation of the platform with health regions, investigators and patient/community partners.
  • Coordinating the development and implementation of the Phase II stepped-wedge trial.
  • Coordinating the citizen and patient partner Scientific Advisory committee for the BRILLIANT Digital Health Platform.

Projects Lee is Involved In

Did you know ?

Lee collects trading cards, comic books and pretty much anything related to pop culture

Walking with my dog, Lilly, who actually walks me.

Lee once swam from Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was kept prisoner) to the mainland in Cape Town for fun.

Featured Publication

Functional contribution of the intestinal microbiome in autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Rett syndrome: a systematic review of pediatric and adult studies

Research Profiles

Lee has published in both peer-reviewed and popular outlets

Person-Centred Health Informatics