Dorra Rakia Allegue, PhD
Dorra Rakia Allegue, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow

Dorra Rakia Allegue,  PhD

Dorra Rakia Allegue, PhD is a Postdoctoral fellow working in the field of artificial intelligence and rehabilitation of chronic conditions. She received her Ph.D. in rehabilitation science from the University of Montreal, where she focused on remote rehabilitation methods for stroke survivors with chronic arm deficits. This method includes a combined use of telerehabilitation and exergames.

After completing her doctoral studies, Dorra joined the PCHI lab, where she has been conducting research on the use of AI in the rehabilitation of chronic conditions such as stroke, brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries.

More About Dorra

Dorra is interested in working in artificial intelligence related to the rehabilitation of chronic conditions and healthcare technology by employing machine learning and other AI techniques to develop new technologies that can help people with chronic conditions manage their symptoms and improve their overall health. This includes developing new algorithms for analyzing patient data, designing new types of medical devices and assistive technologies, and creating new software programs that can help patients monitor their own health and make informed decisions about their care. Dorra is also interested in studying how these technologies can be integrated into the broader healthcare system and working with healthcare providers to ensure that they are used effectively and in a way that maximizes their potential benefits.

Projects Dorra is Involved In

Dorra has the desire to make research findings easily accessible and understandable to a wide audience. Her goal of disseminating research in a user-friendly way is to make the information and knowledge gained through research available to as many people as possible, in order to improve understanding and advance knowledge in a given field.

Below, you will find an example of her dissemination efforts.

As an amateur photographer, Dorra enjoys capturing images of her friends, family, and the world around her. Below are just a few samples of her creativity with a camera.

Did you know ?

Dorra loves traveling and discovering local foods: Food tells you a lot about a country’s culture !

Dorra likes story-driven videogames, the Last of Us is her favorite game so far !

Dorra enjoys photography.


Featured Publication

Lessons Learned From Clinicians and Stroke Survivors About Using Telerehabilitation Combined With Exergames: Multiple Case Study

Awards & Accomplishments

Dorra received DAAD internship :  DAAD initiative, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, aims to offer scientific talents from all over the world a personalized gateway to the German AI research community. Dorra was offered the opportunity to meet with AI researchers at TU Darmstadt, TU Munich, and Bremen University in February 2023.

Dorra has published extensively in various well-respected academic publications.

Research Profiles

Person-Centred Health Informatics